Stewardship 2022-2023
Together we can make a huge difference!

The Session's 2022-2023 is now available for church folks to see. It's almost $10,000 increase reflects increases inheating oil, electricity, and insurance as well as some personnel costs.

But not to worry, with our almost 100 giving units, if each giver increased there giving just $2 a week, we can easily cover that cost, and still deliver a wonderful church program.

We've sent by mail our regular stewardsip materials, but in case you didn't get them, just send a note to the church office here, and we will end them to you by email attachment!

They include the Session's 2022-2023 budget, a letter, a FAQ sheet and a pledge card.

If you would rather fill out the pledge card now you can click on the botton on the page here which will link to an online pledge card. 

Thanks again for all your support of this amazing church!

Pledge Card